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About Big! Lots Careers

Big Lots as we know it today was founded in 1967 by Consolidated Stores Corporation, under the name Odd Lots. When competition forced them to change their name, Big Lots was born. As Big Lots grew, so did Consolidated Stores Corporation and in 2001 the companies name was changed to Big Lots, Inc. Through various acquisitions, such as Pic ā€˜Nā€™ Save & KB Toys, Big Lots great to become a Fortune 500 company.

What to Expect When Interviewing

Like many large chains, a short, general application can usually be found in store and online. There may be a telephone interview, with at least one face-to-face interview in which the applicant is asked ten or fewer questions. Many of the interview questions are centered on resolving conflict, either with a customer or with another employee. Managerial positions often require a skills test, while cashiers are expected to be able to count back change. Additionally, a drug test and a background check may be required for employment.